Monday, April 4, 2011

A Wonderful Week

It is hard to believe that Alex has been here with us now for for over a week. I can't even explain how wonderful it is to have us all together again. Here are a few shots of some things we have done this past week...

This is a shot of us with some wonderful friends we have made here. Eva, Joe, Niki and Luc (The Martin Family) from Canada... they decided to follow our crazy example after meeting us here last August when they were here on vacation and returned home to start making plans to live here for 6 months. They arrived again a few weeks ago and we have been hanging out with them a lot and having some great food and great conversations about our different cultures. We are all taking a trip to Nicaragua together this week. Should be another fun adventure! Pino and his son Domingo are also in this picture. Good friends as well. We all had dinner together on Sunday evening.

Alex and Mariah. I just love seeing them together again.

Me and my boy that grew into a man during the last 2 years, but he still loves to give his mom hugs so it's all good.

Here is Alex with his 3 favorite girls in the whole world. They happen to adore him as well.

Alex and Mariah just "hanging out" ....Alex is working on that tan, trying to catch up with the rest of us.

Alex is getting a little instruction from Abram as he is about to try surfing for the first time

Father and son just enjoying a little together time

This time together is so precious to me. I am treasuring everyday as I know it won't last for long. Alex is already making plans to go out east and work for the summer, and Mariah is headed back to BYU in less than 3 weeks. Oh, I wish I could just keep them all under my wing forever but I know I need to let them go. Having us all squished together on the couch for 2 days of General Conference was just pure joy for me. I savored every moment. My heart was full not only because of the spirit of conference, but because we were all together and conference weekends are very sentimental to us. None of us wanted it to end. I am so blessed. I feel so much gratitude for my children and my husband. I feel very undeserving of them, but thankfully we have a loving Heavenly Father that blesses us in spite of ourselves.


Amy Schweitzer said...

I can not tell you how happy this post makes me! I love your family with all my heart and it makes me giddy with joy seeing you all together! :) I LOVE YOU! And by "sharing our cultures" with the Martins I hope you are having some wonderful missionary experiences.. because you have such an incredible spirit in all that you do! YAY! Youre amazing mother! <3

Unknown said...

I would have to agree with Amy when she says how happy this post makes her! I can only imagine how happy you are as a mother to have your whole family back together reunited. And being able to watch conference together. That is one of my favorite things to do with my family, I definitely missed being with them this conference. It looks like your'e having so much fun having him back, I bet you wish you could just pause time sometimes :)
Love you!
p.s. Keep working on that Tan Alex haha