Mariah: gets me out of bed 6 days a week and takes on the role of my personal trainer. I have to admit that sometimes I want to scream at her, but then I love her way too much....so I don't. She is the best math tutor around, adores her siblings like none other, is a great example to me in so many ways...I can't even name them all. She and I can spend hours talking about anything. I love those hours. I don't know how my daughter turned into my best friend, but she did.
Lora: is just intriguing to me right now. She goes back and forth between wanting to grow up yet scared to death to not be a little girl anymore. She seriously hugs me at least 50 times a day and holds on like it might be the last one she will get in before she is "accidentally grows up". Her taste buds mimic her personality: Tobasco sauce and Reeses PB cups. Depends on her mood. She can make me laugh like none other and can also bring out the not so good side of me but I love her for it.
Emma: is the baby and gets away with more than anyone else in the family which doesn't always set well with the Tobasco sauce side of Lora. Emma is 100% girl and can keep herself entertained better than anyone I have ever known. All she needs is her purse with all the glamorous goodies inside, a good pair of heels that make a clicking noise on the tile floor, and some good music in the background and she can keep herself happy for hours. She has adopted one of my dresses to play in and tries to convince me each week that it really does fit her and she should be able to wear it to church. She is pretty independent and doesn't ask me to do much for her anymore, except once in awhile I am given the honor of her asking for my opinion of her choice of clothing for the day. I have given up the battle of trying to convince her that certain colors and patterns don't match......I just go with it now and we are both happier.
These are my girls. I hope I deserve them. I am so blessed that we get to "grow up"together.
First of all, you all look way too "dolled up" to be living in the jungle. You are so lucky to have such great girls who are all so close! All I've got is ONE and she better like me. Oh, today I was trying to figure out a way for just ME to come. I have really had a rough week and am needing some serious vacation time. Doesn't help that several couples from our neighborhood are heading out on a cruise again next weekend. UGH!!! January is a tough month. I am still waiting for a phone call. Seriously just waiting by the phone.....
ha ha...well I should have mentioned that we all have hair done and I have makeup on because we were headed out to a nice restaurant for dinner. Most of the time we look like beach bums who live in the jungle.
I promise I will try to call soon. I was able to call someone the other day and you were next on my list and then we lost internet. ugh!!! just don't give up on me. Love you.
Sure hope Lane is surviving Boston and the unbelievable cold. Did he even have a coat??? Kristen is right, you all look absolutely gorgeous. Cherish this time and your relationships!!!!! Call again SOON!!
Those workouts must be worth it cause you look amazing!!! WOW!!! Go Tara!I want to know what your trainer does 6 days a week???
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