So, I decided to pick my top 10:
1. hot dirty grocery stores that are frequently out of basic commodities such as wheat bread and chocolate pudding!
2. herds of cows just mosy-ing down the road when I am on my way to the hot dirty store. At first it was fun, but now it is just annoying.
3. Pot holes the size of the great lakes. Makes it impossible to drink a smoothie on the road or even chew gum for that matter.
4. seems that everything here from tin foil to toilet paper is made at half the quality we are used to. hard to get a good nose blow when i am having a good cry.
5. PAINFULLY slow internet most of the time, including the phone lines that make you sound like you are underwater....always cross my fingers when I go to make a call.
6. Enormous grasshopper-like creatures that clank into the windows at night and hang out on the porch and the door so we are all screaming as we try to get in our out of the house at night.
7. Trying to dodge entire families on one bike or just people in general that walk IN the road at night and don't seem to mind that we missed them by a mere inch, if that.
8. kids. my kids specifically. I am pretty sure I saw Lane cut the umbilical cord on all of them, but it seems they are still attached these days. I try to take an extra long shower since that is the only place I am really alone. Even then, they know how to pick the lock and will usually come in and out for items that just can't wait. Really important things like a band-aid for a stuffed animal.
9. My hair. Will it ever go back to the nice shiny soft hair that it was before?? It seems that it is permanently frizzy and untamed here from the humidity and I swear my gray is showing up on a much faster schedule than it was in the states! (thank heavens Lane is actually in Boston right now for business and is close to a Target. Please don't forget honey...Garnier Nutrisse #30!!)
Hey, I just had a thought...maybe I am in the slumps because my other half is in the states. We have been together 24/7 for quite a long time now and maybe all these things just aren't that big of a deal when he is around. I will let you know when he returns in a few days :)
ok, I was just gonna post #10 and then I clicked on over to Mariah's blog to check it out......oh boy. I have A LOT of growing to do. Probably the reason that I am here in the first place. Guess I better go borrow that book she is reading.
It's good to know you now have clean vents! And yes, I was able to get the Garnier Nurisse #30.
Have ya read my recent blog post? I think we are both in a funk right now. I would love to be in the tropics right now....wanna trade places????
January and Feb. are made for funks. Just learn to enjoy them and curl up and hibernate thru them. Spring time is time to wake up and bloom and for me that doesn't just apply to tulips and daffodils!!!!
your blog makeover is so cute. I need Mariah to help me. Love the new fonts!!
Man..you are lucky..live-in blog designer, personal trainer, cleaner, stylist....I am flying solo ya know. I could use a Mariah in my life!!!
You had me totally laughing, I loved this!!! I should post a good vent cleaning regularly myself, love this. You guys are the cutest! Love your post below about your daughters too. Just read somethings on Mariah's blog - gonna follow her too, beautiful daughters. (Btw, think Lora would let me set her up with Joseph when they're older?) :)
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