Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Costa Rican Christmas

I don't quite know how to put into words my feelings about Christmas this year. I have loved the simplicity of it. I have loved the non-exposure to all the commercialism. I have loved the peace and the calm of the season. I have loved seeing the smiles on the faces of people who have nothing and I have loved the chance to focus on what we are giving rather than what we are getting. Every year since our kids have been old enough to know what Christmas was all about, Lane and I have wanted to somehow create the environment that would allow the real meaning of Christmas to really sink into their hearts and do something more service oriented...creating a memory that would stay with them forever. I think every parent has this same wish at some time or another.
Living here in Costa Rica provided a very natural opportunity for this to happen this year. We started off our Christmas Eve morning by making a delicious mess in the kitchen with some homemade cinnamon bran muffins that Mariah's roommate got her hooked on. The wonderful smell mixed with some good Christmas music and that was all it took to get us all in the holiday spirit. Up until this point, we were finding it a little hard to wrap our brains around the fact that it indeed was Christmas, since we have been going to the beach, the pool and running the AC.
Late in the afternoon, we loaded up the car with many bags of muffins, jam, toys, as much food as we could fit in the empty spaces....practiced our carols on the way and started making our many stops to those on our Christmas list. It was a wonderful night and we were met with smiles and thankful hearts. We all came home "full"....and I was thankful that no one even complained that we did not even have a Christmas Eve dinner. I think we all got full on bran muffins as we were baking. I snuck a cookie off of Santa's plate just before I headed to bed.
Even though it was after 9pm, the kids put on their costumes and we had a nativity, complete with a song at the end from Lora. The little girls sprinkled the "snow"around the christmas tree that they had been making for weeks by cutting up white plastic grocery bags, and then it was time for bed.
Even though I am well into my forties, I still find it hard to sleep on Christmas Eve. I was excited to watch Lora open the panda bear that she has been dreaming of...Emma to get her doll ( love that she is still little enough to want one), excited to talk to our missionary son, and mostly excited to load up the car again in the morning and take another load to the sweet family up the road, who I know were not expecting a thing for Christmas. We were fortunate enough to be able to do all of this because of the generosity of many people in the states who heard about the Costa Rican Christmas Project that one of my friends in the branch was involved with here. She had a great response and so we were able to combine our efforts with her efforts and bring a wonderful Christmas to this family.
I hope the pictures will help to convey the feelings. I know that it is a Christmas we will always remember. I wish every year could be like this.
The day got even better as we were able to skype with Elder Martinsen. Yes! Video Skype! Guess that is one of the benefits they give you when your family lives in a 3rd world country with no phone. He was just happy! The hour went too fast and I am glad it wasn't me who had to push the little red button to hang up or we would probably still be talking. He is the obedient missionary though, and kept it to an hour. (this is one time when I wished he would be a slacker on the rules). The next time we hear his voice will be in person when we pick him up from the airport in 3 short months.
We had the missionaries for dinner, got them back to the bus on time... and at the moment, the kids are dropping one by one like flies...falling asleep. It has been a long, but beautiful day. Thank you to our amazing families who sent wonderful goodies and packages and for all of you that remembered Alex...thank you. He was overwhelmed with the gifts and love from home for him.
I love this time of year when the excitement of giving is just in the air. I hope this Costa Rican Christmas will always be part of us and no matter where we find ourselves in the world, or no matter what our circumstances will be, we will remember the joy of giving and that the smallest Christmas can make the biggest impact.

These are our neighbors up the road....Grandma Anna, mother Betty and her 8 children. Two of the girls were not here when we made our delivery.

Getting ready to make our Christmas morning delivery

Christmas Eve delivery to Gertrudis and her daughter Norena. Single mom...sweetest lady ever.

Ready to head out on Christmas Eve.

We were met with a flat tire this morning. Oh well, Santa had it fixed in no time.

Tire is fixed and we are loaded up with goods.
Sorry these pictures are a little out of order, but I am too tired to fix them. You can get the idea of our last 48 hours. We are so blessed and love you all. FELIZ NAVIDAD!!

1 comment:

Mariah Payne said...

I'll never forget this year. So glad we got to have this experience. Love you lots.