Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Simple Christmas Wishes

This poster that Emma made touches me every time I pass by it as it hangs on our wall....
Before she was quite finished up with it, she came to me for my opinion as to what she should add. I suggested maybe she could fill in some space by adding some more presents under the tree. Her reply was, "I already have 4, one for each of us. That is enough." (guess mom and dad aren't getting anything this year??)
I am thankful that the real meaning of Christmas has somehow made its way to her heart this year. Here, in CR with so much need around us, we have been trying to prepare the kids for a much different kind of Christmas this year. Love the "MARRY Christmas" ha ha

This was a poster that Lora did. Love it too.

I am feeling so blessed that I will have 4 of my gifts with me this year...Mariah, Abram, Lora and Emma.
And of course Mr. Clause as well...wouldn't be Christmas without him.
Emma's Christmas wish will come true this Friday at 3:00pm in the Liberia, Costa Rica Airport!!
It is going to be a wonderful Christmas.


Amy Schweitzer said...

Too Precious!!! You have such an INCREDIBLE FAMILY! and I am so thrilled for Mariah to go to Costa Rica! Its so amazing to see how much this amazing adventure you are embarking on is not only changing the lives of all those around you, but you guys as well! I am honestly awe struck by you Martinsens!! I LOVE YOU!!!!

Mariah Payne said...

I love seeing these pictures too! So happy to be here.

Amy said...

I am so happy for you all to be together, although I will miss Mariah terribly. I will miss her on Thursday nights. You have great kids and you should be very proud of them. I would like to send my 2 younger ones there for a while so they will realize how spoiled they are and that "things" don't really matter. Have a Merry Christmas! I love you wo much.

Shiela Campbell said...

Hugs and kisses from Nana! sure hope our pkg gets there safely. It is a wonderful time of year and is made even more so by the love we feel for each other. You are all so precious and thank you again for the blessing you are in our lives!!!! We are doing our Christmas Jars tonight and you will be missed. Next year for sure!!!!!!!!

Shiela Campbell said...

Hugs and kisses from Nana! sure hope our pkg gets there safely. It is a wonderful time of year and is made even more so by the love we feel for each other. You are all so precious and thank you again for the blessing you are in our lives!!!! We are doing our Christmas Jars tonight and you will be missed. Next year for sure!!!!!!!!